
Compassion Focused Therapy Publications 2024

Compassion Focused Therapy's literature base continues to flourish and expand, building our knowledge and inspiring our practice. Below, you'll find links to the latest published research*, which has been compiled with a focus specifically on CFT. We have included hashtags to help highlight content and location.

Here is our research digest for research published in 2023

*At present, this list includes English language articles


Bagheri, F., Parsa, F., & Mahdiyan, H. (2024). Comparing the effectiveness of compassion-focused therapy and emotion-focused therapy on the mental well-being of high school female students with suicide attempts. Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 26(4). #girls #suicide #Iran

Behrouzian, F., Boostani, H., Asl, E. M., Sadrizadeh, N., & Karan, S. N. J. (2024). The Effectiveness of Compassion-focused Therapy on Patients with Bipolar Disorder, A Randomized Clinical Trial: The Effectiveness of Compassion-focused Therapy on Patients with Bipolar Disorder. Galen Medical Journal, 13. #bipolar #RCT #Iran

Blanning, S. (2024). Treating emotional neglect: polyvagal and trauma-informed compassion focused therapy. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 1-19. #trauma #USA

Douzenis, J., & Lashari, M. (2024). “It's Changed My Mind-Set About the Idea of Motherhood”: An Online Perinatal CFT Group Service Evaluation. BJPsych Open, 10(S1), S184-S185. #perinatal #group #UK

Heikkilä, M. H., Kaunomäki, J., Lindberg, N., Lahti, J., Marttunen, M., Ranta, K., Manninen, M. & Da Silva, D. R. (2024). Compassion-focused therapy with virtual reality for callous-unemotional youth: A clinical case study on the therapy process of a young offender. Psychiatria Fennica, 55, 102-123. #virtualreality #youngpeople #forensics #Finland

Heriot-Maitland, C., Lawlor, C., Keen, N., Kane, F., Jafari, H., & Peters, E. (2024). A brief compassion focused therapy group for outpatients with psychosis. Psychosis, 1-13. #psychosis

Heriot-Maitland, C., & Taylor, J. (2024). Developing a Compassion Focused Supervision Model for Senior Leaders in Education. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 9 (2) #education leadership #UK

Kotera, Y., Lieu, J., Liu, H. T. G., Veasey, C., & Barnes, K. (2024). Organisational and Emotional Psychology Views on Yozan Uesugi’s Leadership. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 9(2), 1-16. #leadership #historical #Japan

Lawrence, K., Nicholson, H., Iwanow, M., Johnstone, T., Skelhorn, L., Toole, E., & O'Shaughnessy, R. (2024). An evaluation of compassion‐focused therapy groups for women accessing a specialist perinatal service in England. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research #groups #perinatal #UK

Liu, X., LI, G., Yang, C., & Wang, A. (2024). Effect of compassion focused therapy on cognitive function and sense of shame in stroke patients with hemiplegia. Modern Clinical Nursing, 43-48. #physicalhealth #selfcriticism

Maryam Shahab, M., Taklavi, S., & Pourmohseni Klouri, F. (2024). The effectiveness of compassion focused therapy on self-blame, guilt, and impulsive behaviors of adolescents with adverse childhood experiences. Rooyesh-e-Ravanshenasi Journal (RRJ), 13(7), 171-180. #adolescents #ACE #Iran

Marques, C. C., Castilho, P., Castelo-Branco, M., Pereira, A. T., & Goss, K. (2024). Enhancing Understanding of Eating Psychopathology: A Network Analysis Study. Behavior Therapy. #eatingdisorders #Portugal

Mohammadi, M., Yarmohamadivasel, M., Mohagheghi, H., & Falahinia, G. (2024). The effect of compassion-focused therapy on symptoms of intrusion, arousal, and avoidance of post-traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Applied Psychological Research. #PTSD #Iran

Penido, M. A., & Rocha, L. F. (2024). Compassion-Focused Therapy: A Transdiagnostic Approach to Self-Criticism in Clinical Practice. In Ornelas, A.C. (ed) Transdiagnostic Approaches in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 131-146 #transdiagnostic #selfcriticism

Sengupta, P., & Saxena, P. (2024). When compassion, aka karuna, enters the Indian psychotherapy space: A mixed‐method case‐series study of compassion‐focused therapy in depression. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 24(4), 1489-1502. #depression #India

Spector, A., Melville, M., Craig, C., Henderson, C., Hiskey, S., Knapp, M., ... & Evans, R. (2024). Being kind to ourselves: group compassion-focused therapy (CFT) versus treatment as usual (TAU) to improve depression and anxiety in dementia–a protocol for a mixed-methods feasibility randomised controlled trial within the NHS. BMJ open, 14(12), e093249 #groupwork #dementia #UK

Stock, M., & Craig, C. (2024). Compassion Focused Therapy for an Older Adult with Complex Emotional Needs: A Case Study and Considerations for Practice. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 9(3), 1-21. #oldergeneration #casestudy #UK

Tirch, D., & Vogel, T. (2024). Compassion Focused Therapy for the Treatment of Trauma. In Senreich, E., Lala, S. & Straussner, A. & Dann, J. (eds) Experiential Therapies for Treating Trauma, Routledge; pp.241-255 #trauma

Turner, C. (2024). Breath-focused one-to-one singing sessions as a means of developing authentic voice in females with anxiety: An exploratory multiple-case study grounded in aspects of compassion focused therapy and polyvagal theory. Australian Voice, 25. #breathwork #singing #Australia

Twomey, C., Slingerland, N., & Brown, K. (2024). Clinician attitudes towards a compassion focused therapy group programme for psychosis: a brief report from a service review survey. Psychosis, 1-6. #psychosis

Varley, D., Sherwell, C. S., & Kirby, J. N. (2024). Daily effects of a brief compassion‐focused intervention for self‐compassion. British Journal of Psychology. #selfcompassion #Australia

Dehghani, Z., Mardani, Z., & Rezvanian, H. (2024). The Effectiveness of Compassion Focused Therapy on Improving Treatment Adherence & Blood Lipids (Cholesterol, Triglycerides, LDL & HDL) in Patients with type 2 Diabetes. Quarterly Journal Of Health Psychology, 13(2), 77-96. #physicalhealth #Iran


Ah, S. A. A. K., Abbasi, G., & Zadegan, H. A. G. (2024)The Effectiveness of Compassion-Focused Therapy on Guilt and Shame in Women with Eating Disorders. Journal of Health Promotion Management, 13 (1) #women #eatingdisorders #Iran

Calabria, L., & Marks, E. (2024). What Happens in Climate Cafés?: Exploring Responses to the Psychological Burdens of Climate Change in Seven UK Women. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist. #climatechange #UK

Dawood, R., Vosper, J., Irons, C., Gibson, S., & Brown, G. (2024). Exploring the roles of compassion and post‐traumatic stress disorder on global distress after sexual trauma. British Journal of Clinical Psychology #PTSD #sexualtrauma

Hickey, T., Strohmaier, S., Fossey, E., & Heriot-Maitland, C. (2024). The Acceptability and Impact of a Video on Compassion Focused Therapy as a Psycho-Educative Tool to Deepen Awareness around Voice-Hearing. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 9 (2) #voicehearing #psychoeducation #Australia

Erekson, D. M., Griner, D., & Beecher, M. E. (2024). Compassion focused therapy for groups: Transdiagnostic treatment for turbulent times. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 1-28. #groups #USA

Fraser, M. I., & Gregory, K. (2024). Applying a process-based therapy approach to compassion focused therapy: A synergetic alliance. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 32, 100754. #theory #Australia

Gilbert, P. (2024). Threat, safety, safeness and social safeness 30 years on: Fundamental dimensions and distinctions for mental health and well‐being. British journal of clinical psychology. #theory

Hiskey, S., & Clapton, N. E. (2024). Enhancing Therapist Courage: Feasibility and Changes in Distress Tolerance and Equanimity Following Martial Arts-Based Radically Embodied Compassion Workshops. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 9(2), 1-24. #embodiment #martialarts #UK

Jameson, P. (2024). Incorporating compassion-focused therapy into CAT: Theory, perspectives, and applications. In Brummer, L., Cavieres, M. & Tan, R. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Analytic Therapy, Oxford University Press #theory #clinicalpractice

Karami, P., Ghanifar, M. H., & Ahi, G. (2024). Comparing the Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Compassion-Focused Therapy in Improving Distress Tolerance and Self-Compassion in Women with Experiences of Marital Infidelity. Journal of Assessment and Research in Applied Counseling (JARAC), 6(2), 27-35. #therapy #maritalinfidelity #Iran

Kaye, A. M. (2024) Compassion-Focused Mentoring: An Antidote to Adverse Faculty-Student Mentoring Outcomes? OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 9(2) #mentoring #students #USA

Kim, J. J., Sherwell, C., Parker, S. L., & Kirby, J. N. (2024). Compassion training influences heart-rate variability within severe depression. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 16, 100760. #depression #HRV #compassiontraining #Australia

Kirby, J. N., Day, J., & Gilbert, P. (2024). Social rank and compassion: How insecure striving, social safeness and fears of compassion mediate the relationship between masculinity, depression and anxiety. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. #socialrank #theory #masculinity

Kirby, J. N., Hoang, A., & Crimston, C. R. (2024). A Brief Compassion Focused Therapy Intervention Can Increase Moral Expansiveness: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Mindfulness, 1-13. #RCT #CFTintervention #morality #Australia

Lucre, K., Ashworth, F., Copello, A., Jones, C., & Gilbert, P. (2024). Compassion Focused Group Psychotherapy for attachment and relational trauma: Engaging people with a diagnosis of personality disorder. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. #groups #attachmentandrelationaltrauma #personalitydisorderdiagnosis

Lynch, S., Finnerty, C., Pender, R., Lowry, D., O’Meara, Y., & Brennan, D. (2024). The COMFORT trial: a randomised control trial comparing group-based compassion-focused therapy techniques and breathing pattern retraining with treatment as usual on the psychological functioning of patients diagnosed with cancer recurrence. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 34 (1) #cancer #breathingpractice #Ireland

Marques, C. C., Palmeira, L., Castilho, P., Rodrigues, D., Mayr, A., Pina, T. S., Telma Pereira, A., Castelo-Branco, M & Goss, K. (2024). Online Compassion Focused Therapy for overeating: Feasibility and acceptability pilot study. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 57(2), 410-422. #onlinetherapy #pilotstudy #overeating

Mehrabi, N., Amiri, H., Omidi, A., & Sarvizadeh, M. (2024). The Effectiveness of Group Compassion-Focused Therapy on Body Image and Interpersonal Stress among Women with Breast Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial. IJ Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences #breastcancer #Iran

Munafo, J. (2024). The Heavy Burden of Judgement: Cultivating Compassion with People Accessing Healthcare Services for Support with Weight Management. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 9(1), 1-10. #weight #stigma #UK

Rachwal, F., & Gredecki, N. (2024). A Phenomenological Investigation into the Use of Therapist Self-disclosure in Compassion-Focused Therapy With Forensic Clients. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 0306624X241227409. #selfdiscolure #IPA #UK

Rahimian, A., Namazi, M., & Aghili, S. M. (2024). Comparison of the Effectiveness of Compassion-Focused Therapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Experiential Avoidance and Post-Traumatic Growth in Sexually Abused Girls. Journal of Adolescent and Youth Psychological Studies (JAYPS), 5(6), 41-49. #sexual abuse #girls #Iran

Sengupta, P., & Saxena, P. (2024). Compassion Focused Therapy in the Indian Context: A Perspective. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1). #transcultural #India

Steffen, P & Moss, D. (2024) (eds) Integrating Psychotherapy and Psychophysiology: Theory, Assessment, and Practice. Oxford University Press. See Chapters 1, 10, 16 and 17.

Swee, M. B., Corman, A. G., Margolis, J. M., & Dick, A. M. (2024). Compassion-Focused Therapy for the Treatment of ICD-11–Defined Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. The American Journal of Psychotherapy #therapy #complexPTSD #USA

Taylor, J., & Hocken, K. (2024). Illuminating the dark side: Life story and formulation work to understand criminogenic capacities and human harmfulness. Abuse: An International Impact Journal, 5(1), 46-60. #formulation #forensics

Varley, D., Sherwell, C. S., & Kirby, J. (2024). Brief Compassion Focused Therapy Reduces Fears of Compassion Irrespective of Individual Differences in Attachment. Pre-print. #attachment #fearsofcompassion #Australia

Vrabel, K. R., Waller, G., Goss, K., Wampold, B.,  Kopland, M., & Hoffart, A. (2024). Cognitive  behavioral therapy versus compassion focused therapy for adult patients with  eating disorders with and without childhood trauma: A randomized controlled  trial in an intensive treatment setting. Behaviour Research and Therapy,  104480. #eatingdisorders #RCT

Compassion Focused Therapy Publications 2024

Compassion Focused Therapy's literature base continues to flourish and expand, building our knowledge and inspiring our practice. Below, you'll find links to the latest published research*, which has been compiled with a focus specifically on CFT. We have included hashtags to help highlight content and location.

Here is our research digest for research published in 2023

*At present, this list includes English language articles

Heikkilä, M. H., Kaunomäki, J., Lindberg, N., Lahti, J., Marttunen, M., Ranta, K., Manninen, M. & Da Silva, D. R. (2024). Compassion-focused therapy with virtual reality for callous-unemotional youth: A clinical case study on the therapy process of a young offender. Psychiatria Fennica, 55, 102-123. #virtualreality #youngpeople #forensics #Finland

Lawrence, K., Nicholson, H., Iwanow, M., Johnstone, T., Skelhorn, L., Toole, E., & O'Shaughnessy, R. (2024). An evaluation of compassion‐focused therapy groups for women accessing a specialist perinatal service in England. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research #groups #perinatal #UK

Maryam Shahab, M., Taklavi, S., & Pourmohseni Klouri, F. (2024). The effectiveness of compassion focused therapy on self-blame, guilt, and impulsive behaviors of adolescents with adverse childhood experiences. Rooyesh-e-Ravanshenasi Journal (RRJ), 13(7), 171-180. #adolescents #ACE #Iran

Mohammadi, M., Yarmohamadivasel, M., Mohagheghi, H., & Falahinia, G. (2024). The effect of compassion-focused therapy on symptoms of intrusion, arousal, and avoidance of post-traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Applied Psychological Research. #PTSD #Iran

Spector, A., Melville, M., Craig, C., Henderson, C., Hiskey, S., Knapp, M., ... & Evans, R. (2024). Being kind to ourselves: group compassion-focused therapy (CFT) versus treatment as usual (TAU) to improve depression and anxiety in dementia–a protocol for a mixed-methods feasibility randomised controlled trial within the NHS. BMJ open, 14(12), e093249 #groupwork #dementia #UK

Tirch, D., & Vogel, T. (2024). Compassion Focused Therapy for the Treatment of Trauma. In Senreich, E., Lala, S. & Straussner, A. & Dann, J. (eds) Experiential Therapies for Treating Trauma, Routledge; pp.241-255 #trauma

Turner, C. (2024). Breath-focused one-to-one singing sessions as a means of developing authentic voice in females with anxiety: An exploratory multiple-case study grounded in aspects of compassion focused therapy and polyvagal theory. Australian Voice, 25. #breathwork #singing #Australia

Varley, D., Sherwell, C. S., & Kirby, J. N. (2024). Daily effects of a brief compassion‐focused intervention for self‐compassion. British Journal of Psychology. #selfcompassion #Australia


Ah, S. A. A. K., Abbasi, G., & Zadegan, H. A. G. (2024)The Effectiveness of Compassion-Focused Therapy on Guilt and Shame in Women with Eating Disorders. Journal of Health Promotion Management, 13 (1) #women #eatingdisorders #Iran

Calabria, L., & Marks, E. (2024). What Happens in Climate Cafés?: Exploring Responses to the Psychological Burdens of Climate Change in Seven UK Women. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist. #climatechange #UK

Dawood, R., Vosper, J., Irons, C., Gibson, S., & Brown, G. (2024). Exploring the roles of compassion and post‐traumatic stress disorder on global distress after sexual trauma. British Journal of Clinical Psychology #PTSD #sexualtrauma

Hickey, T., Strohmaier, S., Fossey, E., & Heriot-Maitland, C. (2024). The Acceptability and Impact of a Video on Compassion Focused Therapy as a Psycho-Educative Tool to Deepen Awareness around Voice-Hearing. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 9 (2) #voicehearing #psychoeducation #Australia

Erekson, D. M., Griner, D., & Beecher, M. E. (2024). Compassion focused therapy for groups: Transdiagnostic treatment for turbulent times. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 1-28. #groups #USA

Fraser, M. I., & Gregory, K. (2024). Applying a process-based therapy approach to compassion focused therapy: A synergetic alliance. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 32, 100754. #theory #Australia

Jameson, P. (2024). Incorporating compassion-focused therapy into CAT: Theory, perspectives, and applications. In Brummer, L., Cavieres, M. & Tan, R. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Analytic Therapy, Oxford University Press #theory #clinicalpractice

Karami, P., Ghanifar, M. H., & Ahi, G. (2024). Comparing the Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Compassion-Focused Therapy in Improving Distress Tolerance and Self-Compassion in Women with Experiences of Marital Infidelity. Journal of Assessment and Research in Applied Counseling (JARAC), 6(2), 27-35. #therapy #maritalinfidelity #Iran

Kaye, A. M. (2024) Compassion-Focused Mentoring: An Antidote to Adverse Faculty-Student Mentoring Outcomes? OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 9(2) #mentoring #students #USA

Kim, J. J., Sherwell, C., Parker, S. L., & Kirby, J. N. (2024). Compassion training influences heart-rate variability within severe depression. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 16, 100760. #depression #HRV #compassiontraining #Australia

Kirby, J. N., Day, J., & Gilbert, P. (2024). Social rank and compassion: How insecure striving, social safeness and fears of compassion mediate the relationship between masculinity, depression and anxiety. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. #socialrank #theory #masculinity

Kirby, J. N., Hoang, A., & Crimston, C. R. (2024). A Brief Compassion Focused Therapy Intervention Can Increase Moral Expansiveness: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Mindfulness, 1-13. #RCT #CFTintervention #morality #Australia

Lucre, K., Ashworth, F., Copello, A., Jones, C., & Gilbert, P. (2024). Compassion Focused Group Psychotherapy for attachment and relational trauma: Engaging people with a diagnosis of personality disorder. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. #groups #attachmentandrelationaltrauma #personalitydisorderdiagnosis

Lynch, S., Finnerty, C., Pender, R., Lowry, D., O’Meara, Y., & Brennan, D. (2024). The COMFORT trial: a randomised control trial comparing group-based compassion-focused therapy techniques and breathing pattern retraining with treatment as usual on the psychological functioning of patients diagnosed with cancer recurrence. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 34 (1) #cancer #breathingpractice #Ireland

Marques, C. C., Palmeira, L., Castilho, P., Rodrigues, D., Mayr, A., Pina, T. S., Telma Pereira, A., Castelo-Branco, M & Goss, K. (2024). Online Compassion Focused Therapy for overeating: Feasibility and acceptability pilot study. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 57(2), 410-422. #onlinetherapy #pilotstudy #overeating

Mehrabi, N., Amiri, H., Omidi, A., & Sarvizadeh, M. (2024). The Effectiveness of Group Compassion-Focused Therapy on Body Image and Interpersonal Stress among Women with Breast Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial. IJ Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences #breastcancer #Iran

Munafo, J. (2024). The Heavy Burden of Judgement: Cultivating Compassion with People Accessing Healthcare Services for Support with Weight Management. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 9(1), 1-10. #weight #stigma #UK

Rachwal, F., & Gredecki, N. (2024). A Phenomenological Investigation into the Use of Therapist Self-disclosure in Compassion-Focused Therapy With Forensic Clients. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 0306624X241227409. #selfdiscolure #IPA #UK

Steffen, P & Moss, D. (2024) (eds) Integrating Psychotherapy and Psychophysiology: Theory, Assessment, and Practice. Oxford University Press. See Chapters 1, 10, 16 and 17.

Swee, M. B., Corman, A. G., Margolis, J. M., & Dick, A. M. (2024). Compassion-Focused Therapy for the Treatment of ICD-11–Defined Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. The American Journal of Psychotherapy #therapy #complexPTSD #USA

Taylor, J., & Hocken, K. (2024). Illuminating the dark side: Life story and formulation work to understand criminogenic capacities and human harmfulness. Abuse: An International Impact Journal, 5(1), 46-60. #formulation #forensics

Varley, D., Sherwell, C. S., & Kirby, J. (2024). Brief Compassion Focused Therapy Reduces Fears of Compassion Irrespective of Individual Differences in Attachment. Pre-print. #attachment #fearsofcompassion #Australia

Vrabel, K. R., Waller, G., Goss, K., Wampold, B.,  Kopland, M., & Hoffart, A. (2024). Cognitive  behavioral therapy versus compassion focused therapy for adult patients with  eating disorders with and without childhood trauma: A randomized controlled  trial in an intensive treatment setting. Behaviour Research and Therapy,  104480. #eatingdisorders #RCT